28 May 2009

First Puppy Mush

Monty didn't keep his mush down well... he woke up a few hours afterwards and yakked it all up, poor fella. Mollie did well, she had a full belly! She's been pushed around by the bigger ones in the frenzy of being fed by Sandy and so she hasn't had a chance to eat much because after all the fighting to get in she's exhausted and falls asleep. With the mush, both Mollie and Marvin both got nice rounded tummies! Yay! It was so cute, but such a mess!

We're going to feed them puppy mush about once a day for the next week or so, then gradually increase it to wean them off Sandy. She's not happy with their new teeth.


First feeding


First feeding
It looks gross, but it's just puppy chow and warm water after a spin in the blender.


First feeding


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