She's had her first car ride (to the library), her first collar, her first walk on a lead (about halfway down the sidewalk, she hates it!), her first dog treat, her first vet visit, and she's now eating completely solid food and drinks out of a water dish. My little baby is growing up!
She's got this little stuffed cupcake that we call Pupcake that we got for a buck from the clearance section of Walmart of all places and she loves it. I think she likes the soft texture. She doesn't even sniff at the rubber chewer things we bought the pups and the big dogs seem to have eaten nearly all the plastic balls. But anyway, that's Pupcake and she loves him. :)
A couple of shots with Jones, some belly shots of Mollie and one of her giving a kiss. Jones plays so good with her, he's all gentle and stuff. Indy's still afraid of her and will only sniff and run away. Pansy.
She likes to sit in Krisy's doorway. Here's Indy, too.
You can almost make out her eyes here, they've started going a lighter shade of brown.
Playing with Jones.
First puppy treat
This was when we only had Maddy and Mollie and Joni brought Max out for a visit. They all took a nap together. :) Maddy went to a new home Wednesday night and it's only been Mollie since then. You can tell she's looking around for them to play with, and then she lays down and sighs. It's the saddest thing in the world. But she's got Pupcake and empty toilet rolls to play with and chew, so we try to keep her busy when she's awake.
We've got her spending nights that I don't work upstairs with me, so that's nice to finally have my own pup in my room. We cuddled.
I took the following video clips the other day, like monday or tuesday or something. There's a bit of Maddy, too.
Mollie's 7 week birthday is tomorrow :)
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