Mollie and I went over to Cousin Teri's house (it's just down the road, not even 1/4 of a mile) to fly our Buzz Lightyear kite (75% off at CVS, I got it for a quarter, don't judge) and play with the boys.
We had a fun time running through their backyard and chasing this triangle of plastic that had little yellow tails. Mollie had a blast.
Then Teri came out and worked in her garden and Mollie got to chase their kitteh Tucker through the corn and bat at the tops of carrots.
Then we played on the boys' play structure and we did something that was so fantasic that we had to do it again and again and again:
Yes, Mollie went down the slide and she LOVED it. She kept wanting to be picked up and put back on the top to do it again. I wish I had video of it, it was adorable.
Then I got stung by a bee for the very first time ever and the skeeters came out and we went home.